Transitions commence new adventures. Make 'em last…

Until then…

Cafe Edelweiss - Udaipur, India

At Cafe Edelweiss, essentially known as the “traveler’s hangout” in the middle of Udaipur, a myriad of languages were being spoken synchronously all around me as I was able to quickly ascertain that I was surrounded by Germans, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, Finnish, Russians, French, and many more. It was truly an oasis of dreamy travelers all seemingly yearning to promulgate their recent adventures, run-ins with danger, and/or their next step along their journeys throughout India.

Udaipur Market Outlet

India is truly a colorful mix of new and old bursting with vivid culture and splendid greatness, and as I sat in the cafe adoring the camel skin bookbag that I had just purchased while sipping on a super dry cappucino awaiting my scheduled rickshaw, I found it very difficult to write what I’ve witnessed here. The first few days in India I actually wrote a few diary passages, but after reading them over again, I realized that they were just a confusing, random conglomeration of ideas with no real closure or concise substance of what I actually wanted to convey. In attempt to keep up with all what I’ve seen and thought about, I’ve instead kept a detailed list of the multitude of things, ideas, and encounters that I’ve found interesting and intriguing with the intention to write about them when I know I feel I am not rushed and have had time to run them through my mind over and over again in order to clearly express what I desire. I’ve truly been bombarded with a plethora of foreign stimuli and time will be necessary to sort through all the information in order to render satisfying passages. The right-here-right-now feelings and thoughts are indeed important, and trust me, I’m continuously making note of them, but even with my downtime I feel like I cannot organize them thoroughly just yet.

Upon my return – thought by thought, place by place, and encounter by encounter, I will begin to share with you the India that has begun to morph my own profound perspectives on what is vitally important in life; changes are bound to occur.  Until then…

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This entry was posted on August 8, 2011 by in India and tagged , , , .

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“Experience, travel – these are as education in themselves.”
